The idea to create designs from historical musical documents and put them on antique items came to me on the 9th of November 2020. This was the day when I saw a picture these renaissance knifes for the first time and I immediately fell in love with the thought of creating something similar that could bring people together with music. It took me almost two years just to do all the research in to how to best create my designs. I did try many different methods but finally decided to etch old antique items. The process got more and more complex and I had to invent almost all of it from scratch, but now some years later I got a solid process om how to create these designs. Later on I also started to engrave my designs. Read more about this further down this page.
These renaissance knifes are an extremely rare set off knifes engraved with musical scores which allowed guests to sing at the end of the meal. We do not know exactly how or when the knifes where used but we do know that each knife had a different piece of music on each side, and that a set of them together contained different harmony parts in order to turn a roomful of diners into a chorus. One set of blades had the grace on one side, with the inscription, “the blessing of the table. May the three-in-one bless that which we are about to eat.” The other side holds the benediction, to be sung after the dinner: “The saying of grace. We give thanks to you God for your generosity.”

The Process
I always start by trying to find pictures of my favorite historical musical scores and also try to ”decipher” how it could have been played in its original context. I have been playing historical music since before 2001 and has been a musician all of my life (started playing piano in first grade). During my musical life I also became a music teacher and singing teacher and graduated in 2008. I also became a teacher in History and crafts like wood working, metal works and sewing. This combination of Crafts, Music and History made this project ideal for me and together with my knowledge regarding recording, mixing/mastering and movie recording/editing, I have really found a passion project for me. But how then, do I create my designs?
In short:
After selecting a new song I start by sketching it down on my Remarkable tablet. After my first draft I continue to edit the features that I think will look the best on a particular item. Almost always I have to simplify and/or clarify specific features that I want to ”pop out” of the design.
After many trial and errors and redesigning while fitting the design on the intended object, I finally decide how I want it to look like.
When all of this is done I go out to my workshop to start the etching process or the engraving process. I have specific mixtures for the etching that I have perfected while using trial and error, but I also have to be carful regarding the dangerous fumes that often form during my process.
It is now time fo polishing the objects in two steps: First with my polishing machine and later by hand.
Now all of the cases are created by hand, to fit the particular item or set.
The first time a new design is made I also go in to my studio and make a new arrangement with my historical instrument. After the recording its time for mixing and mastering, and the final stage of recording and editing a new video for all of you to enjoy. To watch these videos click here.